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Xiaomi to launch 16,000 mAh power bank

After coming out with 5200mAh and 10400mAh power bank models, it looks like the capacity for power banks from Xiaomi just keeps going up and up – with the Chinese gadget maker coming out with a 16000mAh model. This power bank looks set to give you your mobile charging needs for one whole working week – at least, that should be the rationale for having a power bank with this much juice capacity.

Given a flagship gadget in today’s times – say, the Samsung Galaxy S5 – whose main battery capacity is rated at 2800mAh, this new Xiaomi power bank should be able to give your Galaxy S5 at least 5 full charge cycles. And if you’re the “normal usage” type of user and your smartphone lasts you the whole working day, then the Xiaomi 16000mAh power bank should be all the extra power you will ever need.


Unless of course, you’re a multiple gadget type of person. But still, 16000mAh is a LOT. If you charge it on a Sunday night, it probably won’t be until Wednesday until you start thinking of getting another full charge. That should change your productivity and work cycle quite a bit.

This new power bank from Xiaomi will be available by November 11 (11-11, geddit? They do like their numbers in China). The pricing will be around USD$21.00 (129 yuan), although a special introductory price of USD$16.00 (99 yuan) is expected.

VIA: VR Zone