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T-Mobile adds Google Music and 14 other services to Music Freedom

T-Mobile has got more in store for faithful subscribers as it brings free Google Music streaming together with 26 other services. The carrier has been very generous lately by extending its Music Freedom service. The company decided not to count music streaming against your monthly data so more people are happy now.

T-Mobile is the first to offer this kind of deal among the mobile networds. Spotify and iTunes Radio have been part of Music Freedom together with other streaming programs like Songza, Slacker, Rdio, Samsung Milk Music, Radio Paradise, Pandora, Black Planet, Grooveshark, AccuRadio, and Rhapsody.

Just recently, T-Mobile added Google Music to the mix but it’s not the only one. Here are other services that the mobile carrier added: SoundCloud, Xbox Music, Digitally Imported, Fresca Radio, Live365, radioPup, Rockradio, Saavn,, Mad Genius Radio, Jazzradio, Fit Radio, and RadioTunes. That is one long list so every T-Mobile subscriber can be more than happy to know he’s got more choices for free music streaming.

Among the free music streaming services added to the list, Google Music is the most popular. T-Mobile subscribers have been clamoring for this one to be added to the Music Freedom since day one of the service.

The Music Freedom only includes music streaming. Not included are non-audio content and downloads. If you stream music, it won’t be counted against your data plan. But if you download non-audio and video content, expect those data counted towards your plan. Note than music streaming must be done from the device directly (smartphone or tablet) and not through tethered devices or connected to a T-Mobile hotspot because data rates will apply.

VIA: Slashgear