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Gmail app APK for Android 5.0 leaked, still unstable

Most Android news outlets have taken this as the arrival of Gmail 5.0 – which is to say, the Gmail app designed for Android 5.0 Lollipop. This may not necessarily be so… yet. Here are the facts – that this app is a late September build of the new Gmail app, and that it does carry a Material Design look. But it still may not be the final build of the Gmail application, as the build remains buggy and unstable.

What it is, in truth, is a very good look into how the new Gmail app looks like and works like. It’s not yet stable, but the main components do work. And it’s Google-signed, meaning that it will seamlessly install with (possibly) devices running Android 4.0 or better – although we have heard of problems installing it on the HTC One M8.


The new app is built to exude all that Material Design beauty, which is probably one of the first things you will notice about it. Another new feature of the app is that it will accept corporate and MS Exchange email accounts – voiding your need for any other email app within your phone, as Gmail does it all.

If you want to go ahead and dig around, check out the download link for the APK below. Don’t expect it to run perfectly yet, but it will give you a good idea of how the future of the Gmail app will look and feel like.


VIA: Android Police