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Todoist Karma’s fated mobile launch turns jobs into games

Todoist's fast-paced development is quite interesting to observe and definitely a pleasure to experience first-hand. From integrating with popular calendar app Sunrise, to adding attachments from Google Drive or Dropbox, to pinning down location-based reminders, Todoist is quickly becoming a top-rated todo app, available on as much as 13 platforms. Now it is adding a new feature, at least for its mobile users, bringing Todoist Karma's gamification to Android as well as iOS and Amazon Fire OS.

The once popular "gamification" has developed a rather negative stigma lately, but the concept isn't exactly new and can even be traced as far back as Mary Poppins (I'll let you figure that one out). Parents and teachers do it all the time as well. The premise is simple. Humans tend to look positively at otherwise negative tasks when presented in a different light, usually involving some graduated reward system and comparative performance analysis. In short, a game.

Karma is Todoist's attempt to gamify your otherwise drab todo list. You setup your own tasks and then are given points when you accomplish them on time. You also gain levels every time you accumulate enough points to advance to the next tier. You even have performance charts to see how well you've grown and compare it with others. Karma has its own point-generating system so you don't have to worry about your tendency to cheat your own points. Todoist Karma has actually been around for quite a while now, but only on the web. Now that it's on mobile devices as well, you no longer have any excuse not to get your quests accomplished.

Todoist Karma on mobile will give you access to everything you could on the web right on your smartphone or tablet, whenever and where ever you want, from creating tasks to knocking them out. New to this update is the ability to set how many goals users want to accomplish on a daily or weekly basis. Karma will now also track your "winning streak", or how many straight days or weeks users have reached their goals without fail. And, of course, since we're talking about mobile here, you will also get to easily share, and even compare, your achievements and performance with others, and turn it into a bit of a competition as well.

Todoist Karma will be available today as an update to the regular Todoist app on Android and other platforms. Don't worry if you haven't gotten the notification just yet as it always takes time to rollout the update to everyone everywhere.

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