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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 gets dropped over and over and over

One of the constant nightmares of expensive smartphone owners is that they drop their phone, crack the screen, make it non-functioning and just make their life miserable, not to mention how much it would cost to have it repaired. And with the whole hullabaloo about a certain OEM that released a highly-anticipated smartphone only to have complaints about breaking and bendability, owners are now even more careful about their next big gadget purchase. Samsung decided to put your minds at ease by dropping their new Galaxy Note 4 over and over again and show how tough it is.

The extensive drop test they conducted on the poor Galaxy Note 4 showed that no matter how many times they dropped it, the phablet still worked properly. And from the video (or maybe the angle they shot it), there didn't seem to be any cracks. It showed three different kinds of tests on the gadget. The drop test showed the phablet being dropped from different heights, waist-level and up onto a solid granite floor with a rough surface and solid metal floors with a smooth surface. They even dropped it alongside a ceramic coffee cup, which wasn't as lucky to come out unscathed as the Galaxy Note 4.

The automatic drop test showed several phablets being dropped from different angles at different heights onto a hard metal floor. They say that they did this several hundreds of times, all without an effect on the devices. Probably the most grueling is the tumble test, which wants to simulate the gadget falling tumbling down the stairs (which of course happens quite often to be honest). The Galaxy Note 4 is put into a tumbling device, and a soda can in another machine. After 14 revolutions, the soda can looks pretty beat up but the phablet was still functioning properly.

Now of course this is no guarantee that your Galaxy Note 4 will survive every single time you drop it (why are you constantly dropping it anyway?) but it does give a level of security that it isn't as breakable as glass. Now let's wait and see if some third-party tests will confirm its strength as well.

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SOURCE: Samsung