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Rico smart-home security device uses old smartphone for brains

I'd wager that most of us have at least one old smartphone sitting in the house somewhere unused. A new product has turned up that is called Rico and looks a bit like Wall-E's girlfriend from the animated film. Rico is designed to be a home security device and it can use an old smartphone for its eyes and brain.

The device will work with iPhone or Android smartphones. Rico does have some capabilities without having a smartphone brain. It can detect motion, temperature, carbon monoxide, smoke, humidity, and control smart sockets.


With a smartphone inside Rico, the camera and processor can be utilized to allow you to view what is going on in your home in real-time. The smartsockets are available with the bot to allow users to control appliances and anything else plugged into the smart-sockets from the app on your smartphone.

Rico is on Kickstarter right now seeking $100,000 and has raised nearly $16,000 at the time of writing. The project has 27 days to go and a pledge of $100 or more will get you a Rico and a smartsocket. Delivery is expected to begin in November 2015.

SOURCE: Kickstarter