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Paranoid Android 4.6 beta 5 “Playful Pitaya” goes live

Paranoid Android has made another beta release of the 4.6 branch of their custom ROM, and this time they're back on track at hammering out the feature set for Dynamic Status Bars, or DSB in the ROM's parlance. But although the dev team just ironed out some pretty major showstopper bugs, they seem to be inviting even more headache by letting users fine tune the DSB animation just the way they want it right down to the last millisecond.

Dynamic Status Bars try to mimic the new Material Design convention in Android L which matches the notification and navigation panels' colors with that of the underlying app's color scheme. This gives an Android Lollipop feel to PA version 4.6, which remains squarely on Android KitKat's turf. DSB, however, doesn't just simply swap out colors but instead animates the transition from one color to the next, which might be too slow or too fast for some.

PA devs will let users decide for themselves how fast or slow they want it, at least for now. The setting is labeled as a power feature and in fact, you'll have to know a bit of ADB command line to do it:

adb shell su -c 'settings put system experimentaldsbfrequency 2'

2 is the default and 20 is the absolute fastest, but PA doesn't recommend going below 0. The devs also warn users not to get too attached to this feature, as they might remove it later on before the final release.

As to when that final release comes, PA isn't saying yet. Paranoid Android 4.5 didn't get as many beta rounds before 4.6 took over, so we're hoping PA could close this door really soon before they starting making preparations for an eventual Android 5.0 shift. That said, the biggest question in mind right now is why is Paranoid Android starting to name its releases ala Ubuntu now?

SOURCE: Paranoid Android