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GunFinger is a zombie shooter with fun shooting gameplay

Nothing new about casual games tempting you to transfer your rage to zombies – they’re slow, ugly, and undead and therefore worthy of your bullets. But to keep gameplay fresh and fun, that’s the catch right there. GunFinger certainly tries on that count.

Now, when you play a shooter, the risk in a game is when it actually requires your taps as the shots themselves, and GunFinger has made that a great feature – rather than restrict players to virtual buttons. Users can tap to shoot, swipe to reload and fling grenades. It’s simple that way, and it makes more sense that way.


After a few levels, you get enough money to buy gun sights, and then the tap-and-aim mechanic comes into play. When you tap and hold, the screen zooms in. This more accurate shot deals more damage, but of course it’s slower and allows the zombies to get nearer. This becomes a problem when the zombie group gets bigger. So you either risk going for high damage or inaccurate but faster shots.

It’s all good fun, although the game’s IAP system does a lot to drain the fun away. As you may guess, the app offers more powerful guns – less risk – for buying customers. You can choose to go with or without the purchases, the game will still be fun. Check out the source link for the download, free at the Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Google Play Store