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Google testing video checkup with doctors

Google knows everything. That’s what most people say. You want to know something or stalk someone, Google the term and you’ll see hundreds to thousands of search results. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll learn. If you start searching for symptoms of an illness, more often than not, you get scared because there’s a tendency for you to self-diagnose after reading a lot of websites that are not really reliable.

The key to understanding one’s health with the help of the Internet is not to believe in everything you read. One of the top health websites today is WebMD. The things written there are facts. Don’t trust Wikipedia as the content are not always accurate.

To help people who are searching for symptoms, Google has launched a Helpouts-style feature wherein video chats with doctors are offered. The service is still in its trial phase so Google is covering the costs for now. In the future, there is a possibility of having to pay for virtual appointments.

Virtual checkup may not be ideal but it is more convenient and probably a lot cheaper too than going to a doctor in person. You’re both “seeing” doctors anyway so there shouldn’t be any danger. As long as Google commits to only hiring real doctors for the chats, it should be okay. Let’s see how Google will roll this one out.

google doctor video chat

This feature is something I’d personally I appreciate because I search for symptoms and illness all the time, trying to diagnose myself. Yes, I’m that kind of person…such a scaredy-cat to go to a real doctor.

VIA: Engadget