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Google Earth major update: 3D rendering, access to KML files

When was the last time you opened Google Earth on your Android device? Last week, two months ago, maybe never? Google is now giving you several reasons to open and use this often-neglected app as they are introducing 3D rendering technology and giving map-making users easier access to their KML files. While Google Maps is constantly updated with new features, it's been 10 years since there has been a major overhaul for their less-loved but supposedly more awesome-looking sibling.

"Faster, smoother, crisper". That's the promise that Google is giving us when it comes to transitions and browsing through the Google Earth app. The new 3D rendering makes you feel like you are actually skydiving into the places you're looking at, whether it's the Eiffel Tower or the Swiss Alps or New York City downtown. They've also given a visual refresh for the roads and labels on the app so that it's easier to look at the places you want to explore through Google Earth. The real-time basemap updates that Google Maps receives will also now be received by Earth.

For those who create their own maps on Google Earth, whether it's for professional, academic or personal (if you enjoy doing that kind of thing for kicks), they're making it easier for you to store and access your KML files as you can directly open them on the app from your Google Drive. You don't need to open your desktop and laptop just to be able to view the maps.

If you don't have it yet or you uninstalled the built-in app on your device, you can download Google Earth for free (of course) from the Google Play Store. Google promised more 3D updates in the next few months so we can expect a bunch of updates over the next few weeks.

SOURCE: Google