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Facebook image storytelling now easier with mobile update

Your social media feed may be filled with too many selfies (in which case, you should reconsider your choice of friends), but there is no doubt that storytelling through images has become the new status message. Whether it's through Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc, you would much rather scroll through photos rather than read about your friends' latest vacation stories. A new update to Facebook's mobile app now makes it easier for you to post pictures the way you want them to appear.

This is nothing really new if you use Facebook on your desktops, but previously, uploading photos on the mobile app wasn't really that convenient when it comes to arrangement, tagging, etc. But now, you can choose the specific order of the pictures that you want your friends to see, which is really important when you want to tell a story through the images. After you've uploaded the photos, you will get a preview of how it will look like to your friends. You can rearrange the sequence by dragging and dropping the photos, write an introduction for the whole series, add captions for each photo, tag specific people and add the locations for the individual photos.

When you're satisfied with the whole series of photos, post it and your friends will see it in a collage layout, just the way you want it. Facebook is trying to position itself (in terms of image sharing) as not just a place where you store your photos in albums, but as a storytelling platform, specifically with the use of your own images. And by giving a "curated approach" to uploading photos, instead of just adding them to your Mobile Photos, users can create stories. In fact, the posts will show up in Your Photos but not in your albums, which gives it even more of a "real time" style of sharing.

The update is rolling out to all Facebook apps on Android devices today. If yours hasn't automatically updated yet, you can go to Google Play Store and update it yourself.

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SOURCE: Facebook