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Xiaomi outs MIUI v6 developer preview for the Mi3, Mi4

If you’re looking for more eye-candy in your custom Android UI than most, chances are you’ve across the MIUI – the tweaked Android OS from Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi. The flipside of it is that while you get a nice, clean UI, there are bugs galore, and that the MIUI is not really known for Android functionality. That said, if you own a Xiaomi Mi3 or Mi4, you pretty much have no choice. The good news is that a new version of MIUI is out.

A developer preview of the MIUI v6 has just been released, specifically for the Mi3 and Mi4 devices. Unfortunately, the installation process is a bit roundabout – as everything seems to be with the MIUI. The first step requires users to upgrade to the developer preview build of MIUI v5. When the upgrade is done, they should automatically receive a notification for an OTA update for upgrading to MIUI v6.

In fairness to the new build, there are a number of new things that MIUI fans might be excited about. First is more eye candy, tadah! The MIUI v6 packs a flatter, more streamlined UI than the past versions. Clutter has seemingly been removed. Also, there are new features like lockcreen notifications and a new control center, among others.

MIUI has been known to sport an iPhone-like look over the years, not necessarily a bad thing for those looking for a clean, streamlined, premium look. But since this version is technically still in beta, one can expect a good number of bugs to be present – something that the MIUI has been infamous for even in stable versions. If you’ve tried the new version out, tell us about it.

VIA: Android Beat