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Survey says iPhone 6 won’t cause Android users to jump ship

Surveys are just that, a representation of the massive totality based on the opinion of a representative few – albeit with scientific research foundations. How much stock we put on their reliability changes from person to person, but the results usually stand proud regardless of your doubts or approval. This specific one leans it favor towards the Android ecosystem – that only 5% or less of Android users will jump over to iOS with the upcoming iPhone 6 launch.

The survey was done by an outfit called Survata – a survey group that has clients among Fortune 100 companies. The method was pretty straightforward – approach respondents on sites around the Internet and ask if they want to complete a survey to unlock premium content on those sites. The company was honest enough to report a 3.3% margin of error, but believes that the method is solid. The respondents also reported what phones they currently own.

The main conclusion is this, that there is an “utter lack of interest in Android owners to switch over to the new iPhone”. The “utter lack of interest" in Apple's upcoming device is represented in a number – only 5% will surely make the jump to the new iPhone 6 if given the chance. If you ask me, I will admit that I’m biased as heck and would not even touch the box of an iPhone with a stick. But the data speaks for itself – Android users are pretty much content with the technical environment they’re in right now. Does this piece of data speak for all Android users?


Surveys will tell you that these are representative data – in this case, it will be accurate to over 96% of the market. Do with the data what you will. I won’t make that jump – and I know of other people who won’t. What’s you take on it? Ping us back on the comments section and let us know your thought on this.