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Samsung takes potshots at Apple (again) with new videos

Oh Samsung, you’re like the kid at the playground that can’t stop making fun of the more popular kids even though you’re part of the in-crowd as well. The new series of videos posted on their YouTube channel called “It Doesn’t Take A Genius” takes non-subtle potshots at their arch-rival Apple, just a day after the keynote heralding the arrival of their new products.

The six ads have only two characters: two guys who look like Apple Genius experts working in a supposed Apple Store repair room. They indirectly (sometimes directly) make fun of the recently launched products (iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Apple Watch) and compare it to Samsung’s own Galaxy Note 4 which they also officially announced last week before the start of IFA 2014 in Berlin, using the hashtag #NotetheDiffference at the end of each video.

The first spot actually makes a reference to the much-ballyhoed fact that the first part of Apple’s livestream was non-functional due to a supposed coding error on the website. The other videos of course pick on the fact that the features that the iPhone is touting has been in existence for the past years in Samsung products (let’s accept that this is a particular bone this dog will never let go) like a larger screen, better battery life and even a wearable device. But they also criticize Apple for not having other features like a stylus (Samsung has been singing the praises of the Note 4’s S-Pen) and multi-tasking.

I guess we’ve kind of expected that Samsung would not let the opportunity to make fun of Apple pass, but unlike the first ones that were actually funny, these videos lack an actual sense of humour and the "joke" is getting kind of tiring. Let’s hope their creatives find their mojo back and maybe come up with ads that will actually make us want to buy a Note 4 instead of just making us uncomfortably laugh (or not) at iPhone users.

SOURCE: Samsung