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Samsung releases “trailers” for its Unpacked event at IFA 2014

Teasers are defined as small, cryptic details that are revealed to makes us anticipate or get excited about an upcoming event or bigger reveal. Well in the days leading up to its press event pre-IFA 2014 in Berlin, Samsung has really been mercilessly teasing us with short videos about its upcoming Galaxy Note 4. The latest (maybe last?) Ready to Note? videos are now focusing on the Unpacked event itself, ratcheting up the excitement until the main event on September 3.

The video released over the weekend doesn’t really tell us anything new about the Galaxy Note 4. They actually don’t even show us the device of course since it is after all, a teaser. But it does have some clues about what to expect due to some key words shown. Using the concept of “Ready…set…go”, it shows various people doing all sorts of activities that we assume will be fulfilled by the new smartphone. Words like share (social networking), win (gaming), write (S-Pen), go big (video), create (maybe S-Pen too), smile (photos) are just basic ideas but we have to wait and see if there’s anything new to them in the Galaxy Note 4.

The other video is a one-minute teaser which highlight how the idea of the pen has changed our lives by creating art, touching our soul and enhancing our lives. It then says that “it gets even better” with an image of the S-Pen for the Galaxy Note 4. Now we still have no idea what that S-Pen for Samsung's newest smartphone can do, but it better be shooting lasers out of it or something really special, given how much Samsung has been hyping this particular feature in their previous teaser videos.

The Unpacked event is set for September 3, a day before the IFA 2014 officially begins, as has been the tradition of Samsung the past few years. If you’re not actually in Berlin, you can still see the big reveal as they will be streaming the event live through its YouTube channel. Let’s see what the S-Pen hype is all about.