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More Oppo N3 images leaked

Nothing much to say here but we all know that Oppo is working on a new “N” phone series. The Oppo N3 has been leaked for some time and we’ve seen photos of it with a strange-looking camera. A couple more photos are going around, showing us how the N3 concept could look like.

The next Oppo N3 will also feature a 5.9-inch 1080p display just like the old Oppo smartphones. Chinese website published the photos, which actually look more like renders information on the specs have also been posted.

Text is written in Chinese but we know the smartphone will feature 3GB RAM, Snapdragon 805 processor, 13 megapixel rotating camera, and 1920x1080p resolution. The rotating camera may be strange but it makes the phone more interesting.

opp n3 rotating camera

The first Oppo N3 phone we featured earlier this month looks like a flip phone. Actually, it reminds me a lot of an old Nokia flip phone but the upcoming Oppo could bethinner despite the thick cylinder on top. But the new leaked images show a different design. It looks like any ordinary slab but the second photo shows the top part of the phone, where the camera is located, to be rotating. Flip the earpiece part to reveal the camera.

We’ll see what Oppo has in store at the “One More Step” event this coming October.


VIA: Gizmobic