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Google Now adds card to track lowest flight fares

You’ve been wanting to go to London for some time now, but just checking plane fares is a daunting and scary task. But you keep googling different airlines just to see if there will be any sudden lowering of fares to the other side of the pond. Google Now is making it easier for you by tracking the lowest rates, and giving you a card alert in the digital assistant when a lower cost flight becomes available.

If you keep on trolling Google Flights, Google Now will realise that you are trying to seriously go to wherever you are searching or your most recent destinations (if you’re a frequent traveler). If you’re also googling for vacation spots in Paris or Singapore, then it will also assume that you’ll be looking for flights to the places you’re looking at. Not only will it give you a card when there are low rates, it will actually tell you the price change history, to show that it is indeed lower (or higher) than when you last checked it.

However, it seems to be working only when you search through Google Flights and not by using other travel booking sites like Travelocity or Kayak. There are other apps and sites who do this tracking flight activity function of course, but there’s something about the convenience of getting a card on Google Now that makes this new feature very useful.


Don’t forget to answer yes when the question “Continue receiving the Flight price monitor card?” appears on your Google Now page to be able to enjoy this feature. Google has been ensuring to help you with end-to-end info for your travels, from giving you the best route to avoid traffic and get to the airport on time, to info when your flight has been delayed, to recommending the best places to go to when you’re in a certain city or country.

VIA: Engadget