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First ROMs for the NVIDIA Shield Tablet surface

We’re all big fans of the NVIDIA Shield Tablet – that gaming-centered Android tablet which at one point we were unsure if it would fulfill its potential or even wow its potential market. We were blown away on both counts. We love the quality and gamers and techno-geeks alike have been impressed with it – so much that in a little over a month, it’s been rooted, received a major OTA update, and now custom ROMs have come out for the device.

Of course, it all starts with root access, and that is given to you via the Towel Root app – pretty straight forward. Then we need a custom recovery – this one is given to us via an unofficial ClockWorkMod recovery port done by XDA Recognized Developer “Unjustified Dev”. You can check out the official recovery thread at XDA.

Once we’re done with the recovery, most of you mod lovers out there would know that we’re pretty much on our way to custom ROM goodness. We have two source-built ROMs available for the NVIDIA Shield Tablet at the moment – the VanirAOSP ROM and the AICP ROM, both official threads linked. Check out the forum threads for instructions.


We will always give you the disclaimer that rooting and installing custom ROMs have the added risk of doing something crazy to your device – maybe to the point of bricking it. There is also the risk of NVIDIA not honoring your warranty if you do this. But if done correctly, you might just have that added bit of enjoyment on your device running a custom ROM. Tell us about your NVIDIA Shield device if you’ve actually gone through the process of rooting and modding it.