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Facebook Messenger now lets you add text,doodles to photos

As people continue to either be dependent or annoyed with Facebook Messenger and its separate app from the main Facebook app, the social media giant will of course continue to add features to it to attempt to recapture the hearts of the fed-up users. The latest update to the Messenger app, which has now reached 500 million downloads (forcibly for some), now allows you to have more fun with the photos that you share with your friends.

If you’ve always wanted to put comments on the actual photos that you share in your messages with friends and loved ones, now you might become a bit happier with the Messenger app. You can now overlay text or scribble on the photos with your stylus before sending it to your contact or group messages. If you want to point out the detail on a dress in the picture or add a caption or doodle to that photo of a beautiful sunset, you can now do so without using a photo editor app, just your Facebook messenger.

When you tap the photo icon while in the messenger, select the photo you want to send. But before hitting the send button, choose the pencil icon if you want to add something. You’re given the option of writing in Aa (text and white font only) or the pen icon, where you can use your stylus or finger to write or sketch, with several colors to choose from. Once you’re satisfied with your “work of art”, you can send it with the arrow button at the bottom. Weirdly enough, you can only do it with photos saved on your phone but not on the built-in “selfie” cam since the photos taken there are sent to your contact directly.

If you don’t see this feature yet on your Messenger, manually update it in your apps. And if you don’t have the Facebook Messenger app installed yet on your device, then that means you won’t be able to access your messages since Facebook has disabled already the viewing from the main app, forcing migration to the separate app. So better get it from the Google Play Store if you still want to use this feature.

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VIA: Android Police