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Chrome APK Packager can run Chrome packages right on your phone

Chrome ARChon Custom Runtime packages can be produced right from your phone, thanks to the Chrome APK Packager. This program is a special and convenient way to generate chrome packages from apps already installed or from APKs found on the phone.

The Chrome APK Packager will pull the APK, run it, and place into a manifest.json file. The contents generated will be zipped together and saved in a folder named “ChromeAPK” which will automatically be created on the storage of your smartphone.

 Chrome-APK-Packager.png September 23, 2014 46 kB 273 × 485 Edit Image Delete Permanently URL

The manifest.json file can be tweaked like apps can be sorted alphabetically. A popup can also be added to notify the user that Chrome App is ready. Of course, this is recommended only for those who understand the code and know how to develop apps. Android app developers and coders should find this very easy to edit and change for different purposes.

This app requires ARChon Custom Runtime running on your Android phone to allow the user to install unlimited number of apps. Usually, Google Runtime is limited to four apps so the ARChon is needed. But with the ARChon Custom Runtime, the phone is allowed more apps to be installed.

Chrome APK Packager also allows orientation or mode to be changed. You can use the app on landscape or tablet mode. It features a better UI and allows easy-sharing of generated zip files via email or on to Google Drive.

Download Chrome APK Packer HERE and HERE

VIA: XDA Developers