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Samsung Galaxy Note 4 to use Synaptics Natural ID technology

Information about the spanking new – yet still un-launched – Samsung Galaxy Note 4 is still streaming out of exclusive sources before the inevitable September 3 launch at IFA 2014. Samsung recently teased (indirectly) about the handwriting features on the new Note, and the "selfie" side shutter button. This time, we’re getting a look in at the fingerprint sensor technology.

Samsung will be using Synaptics’ Natural ID solution for the Galaxy Note 4, pretty much like the Galaxy S5 and the Galaxy Alpha. Most people equate the fingerprint sensor on both earlier devices to the one found on the iPhone 5s, which is a wrong assumption to make, and which causes people to mark the fingerprint sensor on the Galaxy S5, for instance, as “crappy” as it turns more errors than sensing the fingerprint of the user on the home button.

The reason for this is Synaptics’ LiveFlex technology – a solution that widens the sensor array (for more accurate security) from the display all the way to the home button, rather than just the home button alone. The right swipe for this security measure is to swipe fingers starting from the lower part of the display down to the home button – resulting in a bigger area of your finger scanned, and flawless results.


On the software side, there are new features – including “fingerprint shortcuts” and web sign-in using fingerprint security. Samsung confirms that you can register your fingers to open any application directly from the lock screen – we have to see how this works in real world context. Also, a lot of secure websites are also now allowing sign-ins via fingerprint sensors.

There are only a few days more to wait until the Galaxy Note 4 is finally upon us, so watch out for our IFA 2014 coverage. Keep updated on the goings-on in Berlin via our timeline.

VIA: Sam Mobile