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IDC stats show smartphone shipments are increasing in 2014

IDC is always looking at the smartphone and other markets around the world to determine if the market is growing or shrinking. IDC has released the latest data for the smartphone market around the world in 2014. According to IDC, the market is growing and demand for smartphones remains strong despite slowing growth in mature markets.

IDC predicts that over 1.25 billon smartphones will be shipped around the world this year. That number is an increase of 23.8% compared to the previous year when 1.10 billion units shipped. IDC is predicting continued growth in the smartphone world with 1.8 billion units shipped in 2018.

While growth is slowing in mature markets, emerging markets have begun to account for over 50% of annual smartphone shipments. Mature markets have delivered double-digit growth year over year until 2014 when the growth rate in those markets is predicted to slow to 4.9%.

Emerging market smartphone volume is expected to reach 920.8 million units in 2014 making up 73.5% of all volume shipped. Android devices continue to account for the most volume in the smartphone market with 88.4% of shipments in 2014 expected to be Android units.