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ESPN SportsCenter update: watch and listen to live streams

With the NFL season starting next week (that’s American football, not the other kind of football to you), sports fans for sure will be enthusiastically logging on to their various sports app to keep updated with their favourite teams. The ESPN SportsCenter app for Android will not be left out in the cold as the latest update now includes the ability to listen to the radio streaming and watch the latest videos from the sports channel.

It’s been proven that sports fans love to consume digital content as much as they love to watch their favourite teams duke it out on the field or court or pitch or wherever they play. One of the foremost updates in the ESPN SportsCenter app is bringing football fans better NFL and College Football mobile coverage. And if you choose which teams to follow in whatever sports you’re interested in, they are now grouped at the top of the SC scores panel.

But probably what would interest users more is the OnAir feature which gives them one-click access to the latest radio streaming of whatever sporting event is being covered and also access to WatchESPN videos. This will become crucial if you’re stuck at work or at a party while an important game is ongoing and you have no access to a TV. The alerts will also now take you directly to the stories and videos that you are interested in.

So to prep yourself for another season-long of excitement and/or heartbreak for your football team, go and install the newly updated ESPN SportsCenter app on your smartphone. You can download it for free from the Google Play Store.