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Bleep charging cable backs your data up while you charge

For many people, their smartphone is the place where they have all their data. Contacts for work and play are in the phone and if the phone was lost or stolen, it would be very bad indeed to lose the data for most people. A new charging cable has turned up on Indiegogo called bleep that not only charges your phone, but it also backs up the data on your phone at the same time.

Using the bleep charge cable smartphone users get automatic data back up using a storage drive inside the cable. Plug and play capability means that the storage inside the cable does its thing with no intervention from you. Storage capacity is available in 16GB to 64GB.

An app running on the Android device allows your data to be saved to the drive as your device charges. Bleep is designed to synchronize new data and contacts to the internal storage each time it is connected to your phone.

Once everything is set up, the backup process starts as soon as you plug the bleep cable into the tablet or smartphone. After using bleep if you lose your device the app allows you to restore your data using the application interface. Data stored on the drive is secured with a password. Bleep seeks $20,000 on Indiegogo and has raised $3,120 with 59 days to go. A pledge of $40 for the first 100 buyers will get you a bleep with delivery date estimated in August 2015.

SOURCE: Indiegogo