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ASUS offers glimpse of ZenWatch in new teaser video

The folks over at ASUS really do love a striptease as the past few days, we’ve seen some teaser ads on their Facebook page about the new smartwatch that they’ll be announcing at the IFA in Berlin next week. And now the wearable has a name! It’s called ZenWatch and a new short video has been released, offering us a glimpse of the gadget but only in silhouette, further wetting our appetites for this smartwatch.

What we see in the 30 second video is the rumoured Android Wear smartwatch, but only showing its parts in shadow. It offers us a glimpse of the corner, clasp and then finally a side view of the device, but all bathed in cloudy grey light, making it impossible to actually see any detail (as they intended of course). Just a few days ago, ASUS tweeted out it will be launching in Berlin and then released on its Facebook page some futuristic-looking teaser ads with the quote, “Time has been transformed and we have changed,” a quote from Khalil Gibran, which also finds its way in the teaser video.

But apart from those glimpses, not much has been leaked about the purported fourth smartwatch using the Android Wear platform. ASUS CEO Jerry Shen did claim that it will be better-looking than the other ones in the market, and that price-wise, it will be cheaper than its competitors. Rumors are saying it will cost somewhere between $99 and $149, which is way cheaper than the current price tag on the LG G Watch ($230) and the Samsung Gear Live ($200). The upcoming Moto 360 still has no pricing details as of yet.

Since no specs are available yet for the ZenWatch, many are hoping that the cheaper price doesn’t mean that the hardware and features are also less than those of the current Android Wear smartwatches. All will be revealed during the September 3 launch at the IFA 2014 in Berlin, as indicated in the teaser video.