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Yahoo! Finance app redesigned for Android

If you’re in the finance industry or are interested or involved in the stock market, chances are you’d always want the latest updates even before you reach the office or a desktop. While there are many finance apps out there, it never hurts to try one that comes from known names in the industry. Yahoo! Finance has a shiny brand new app, completely redesigned for Android devices and will definitely come in handy for stocks whizzes out there.

As there are sometimes too many stocks to follow, you can save the ones you’re interested about on your watch list. The app will then give you relevant information and news regarding those on your list. And of course, the information and updates you’ll be receiving are in real time, as this is a crucial aspect in this industry. You can even go beyond just the stock information and the app will give you information about currencies, industries and commodities.

The app also includes interactive charts and graphs that can help you analyse better the trends and information. If you view your phone sideways or in landscape mode, then you’ll be able to fully appreciate the full screen charts. You can also set up the app to send you push notifications on things like breaking news for the stocks that you want to follow.

To help you find finance-related news stories better, they’ve also added a news tab that will constantly be updated with stories that you need to know, based also on the information and preferences that you input in the app. You can download the new Yahoo! Finance app for free through the Google Play Store.

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