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Want to be an Android developer? Udacity’s got you covered

I've you've been interested in making your own Android apps but fancied yourself more as a visual learner, then fret not. Udacity, who has been expanding its courses and presence on Android, is providing a free Android development track that will get you started in making that next big blockbuster app or, if you really must, the next Flappy Bird phenomenon.

Udacity and Coursera are just some of the big names in the budding online or distance learning industry, offering courses in varying fields, ranging from computer science to humanities to sciences. Most of them are offered for free but some, like Udacity, offer perks and advantagees if you pay a fee, including personalized coaching and a verified certificate you can flaunt.

Late last month, Udacity launched its mobile app on Android and with it came the announcement of new courses that catered specifically to our little green friend. Now Google is announcing the courses from its end, particularly the Android Fundamentals package. The course videos feature Google Developer Advocates and cover a wide range of basic topics, starting with the history of the Android platform. Of course, Google would prefer you go to Android's official documents and guides for reference, but this course will definitely help in making the whole learning process look a little less daunting.

This Udacity course is available for free, complete with all the videos and course materials you will need, but, as mentioned, there is also an option to pay a subscription fee for access to more features. One caveat about the course. Although it caters to those completely new to Android or even mobile app development, it does require a bit of familiarity with programming, particularly with Java. If you don't have those creds however, worry not. Yes, Udacity has you covered there, too.

SOURCE: Google, Udacity