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Swipify simplifies switching between apps on Android Wear

Smartwatches have definitely made our digital lives more interesting, and maybe at times, simpler. However, it still has many limitations in terms of both hardware and software, so for now, it’s up to app developers to enhance how we’ll be able to use those devices. One such app is Swipify, which makes it easier to launch and switch between apps on the Android Wear platform.

The App Switcher allows you to easily go from one running app to another from anywhere when inside the Android Wear system. Right now, there is no easy way to do so whether through a button or through the built-in settings. With Swipify, all you have to do to switch between apps is to swipe from the right edge of the screen wherever you are on your smartwatch. You can also change your swipe edge position, either just the top edge or full edge if you want.

Meanwhile the App Launcher can start an app, again from anywhere in the system. To start the launcher, all you have to do is swipe from the left edge of the screen and it will show you a tray of the apps installed on your smartwatch. The app also has other functions like you can set it up that your watch screen is always on (if battery drainage is no problem for you). It can also give you quick access to changing some of your settings, like adjusting the watch’s brightness, checking your battery level and showing the RAM usage on your App Switcher screen.

Once you’ve downloaded the Swipify app from the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone, it will automatically install it to the smartwatch connected to your phone. Once installed, you need to launch the app from your smartwatch in order to be able to start using it. Swipify is still in beta version, so expect a few quick updates every now and then from the developer.

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