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Beats 1.2.0 adds more customisation,verified badges

With the popularity of music streaming services like Pandora, Deezer and Spotify, Beats Music is like the late-blooming cousin trying to catch up with his peers. With the latest update to its Android app, version 1.2.0 seeks to add even more customisation to its service, as they know that curated and personalised playlists is the way to go when it comes to this market.

The Just for You recommendations in the app is pretty standard already, but sometimes you just wish that you can manually customize this feature (because you “accidentally” listened to a Justin Bieber song 10 times in a row and now it keeps recommending all these Bieber-clones and it just has to stop). The new Tune Your Taste feature just does that as you can add (and remove) specific genres and artists so that the recommendations will really be tailored to your actual preferences.

Sentence History lets you view the most recently played songs that you created from The Sentence feature. If you’re new to Beats Music, The Sentence is a neat feature from the app that creates a playlist based on, you guessed it, a sentence that you write, which can include a location, emotion, genre or some other cues for the app to choose certain music to fit that statement. The updated app also now includes verified badges for those Beats Music profiles that are considered “legit” (although what the criteria is, we don’t know).

Beats Music still has a long way to go though in terms of matching how Spotify and other music streaming apps have cornered the market. But with the recent approval from the European Commission of Apple’s acquisition of Beats, then expect Apple to step up the game even more. If you want to see if the recent update has made the app more attractive, download Beats Music from the Google Play Store.