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Waze update adds contacts from phone, send location

Waze, the traffic monitoring app that was recently bought by Google, has added several features in their Version 3.8 update to make it even more helpful and social for its users. Connecting with friends and using the app together as a group seem to be the primary focus of the new features added to the app in both its Android and iOS incarnations.

Relying on strangers’ directions and tips in Waze can be both enlightening and frustrating, especially the ones who have too much time on their hands to deliberately troll people with fake updates. So this new feature which can automatically add Waze friends who are in your phonebook will definitely help you sort through the noise in the app. It will also come in handy when you and your friends are driving to the same destination and you’re just too busy to give directions on how to get there. But even if you’re not traveling together, the new updated Waze will also be very efficient, as you can send people the exact address of your location, destination or home and office address. Not only will they get where it is located but it will also tell them how to get there.

A feature that has been around for some time now but not many Waze users are aware of is the fact that you can share your drives with your contacts. The 3.8 update has made this easier and with just a few tap of some buttons, your drives can now be shared directly to your friends. They will also be able to follow the route you’ve taken and so adjust to the ETA based on that. It’s perfect for letting people know where you are really (unless, you actually don’t want them to find out exactly)

Some other updates include easier access and management of your user profile as well as friend requests. There are also some design/layout updates like a redesign of the Main Menu to include the Send Location button and the Share-A-Button tab.

Download Waze on the Google Play Store


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