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Udacity app offers programming courses for Android development

Tech learning app Udacity has finally made its way into the Android platform and it brought with it several modules that are specifically targeted for Android developers. There are four learning programs that you can access through the app, but these are not just courses taught by random experts in the field, but rather actual people from Google themselves, people who had a close hand or knowledge in developing the platform.

Google’s ongoing I/O conference ties in nicely with the four course offerings, since their aim is how to create apps that can better the Android world. If you’re a newbie looking into starting a career in Android programming, then taking up the “Developing Android Apps: Android Fundamentals” should be your first step in learning how to build apps on this platform. Then you can move on to Google-specific development by taking the “Developing Scalable Apps: Using Google’s App Engine” module.

If you want to focus on how to maximise the mobile performance of your web pages, then move on to "Web Performance Optimization: The Critical Rendering Path.” The fourth module specifically for Android developers is “UX Design for Mobile Developers: Learn to Design” which will now focus on looking at the aesthetic aspects of becoming a mobile designer.


The makers of Udacity are also working on creating an offline mode for the app so that you can listen to the videos and read the course materials even if you do not have internet connection. These courses, among the many other programming learning tools, are available on the app that can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Slashgear