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Samsung smartwatch to be launched as Android Wear at Google I/O

Wearables have the potential to be really big, and market leaders are scrambling to position their own products to leverage on the oncoming rush. Samsung has been marking its next wearable to be part of Android Wear, to be launched at the Google I/O developer conference – a smartwatch, in the mold of the Galaxy Gear devices released earlier.

Android Wear is a version of the popular open source operating system that has been tweaked so that it runs more efficiently in smaller devices like smartwatches. Samsung committed itself to this effort, even as it was pushing its proprietary OS Tizen, saying that it was probably more efficient than Android in providing power to wearable devices.

As of this moment, it is still not clear what kind of wearable device Samsung will launch at the Google I/O conference. In September of 2013, Samsung released Galaxy Gear – a smartwatch that runs Android OS. The second version of Gear, as well as the Gear 2 Neo was already on Tizen. There is no doubt at all that Samsung is showing some efforts to separate itself from Google, but the commitment to Android Wear was an interesting move, to say the least.

Later this year, Samsung’s rival Apple is rumored to be releasing its own smartwatch – probably dubbed iWatch – and Samsung will feel that it is at the brink of the breaking out of a new market. This battle is set to happen this year, even with co-Android Wear manufacturers like LG and possibly Motorola as well.