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Nokia pre-beta tests Z Launcher for Android

For heavy smartphone users who have more than 40 apps on their devices, sometimes managing them or even finding them easily can be a challenge. Nokia’s technologies group has come up with its first project since the Microsoft deal was concluded and it’s aiming to fix that particular problem for Android users with the pre-beta testing of their Z Launcher.

The launcher is an alternative replacement to your normal home screen and it determines what apps to place on the screen based on analysis of your usage within a day. It will give you the apps that you normally use at certain moments of the day by predicting it through the time of day, your location and even through your call logs. It also has this feature called Scribble that lists down the apps that contain the letter that you write on your screen.

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According to Brett Eaton, the product manager of the technologies group, this customer insight about apps has come from their research. They concluded that instead of creating something that would use folders to organise the apps, they thought of using the first thing that people see on their phone, which is the home screen.

Z Launcher was named after the gesture you make when you want to write on the screen instead of typing on a keyboard. Currently, since it is still in its very early stage of development, the apps are just listed, with a clock and a calendar at the top. There are still no widgets or even a Google search bar, things that Android users are used to having. Well, at least, you can still suggest these things as feedback is something that the developers are asking those who will access the pre-beta version.

[vimeo 98567567]

Download: Z Launcher

VIA: Slashgear