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Pushbullet v14 update brings a new look with some new features

We sort of rediscovered Pushbullet earlier in the month, and it looks like we had some good timing. Not only were we enjoying the functionality at the time, but it seems things are getting better. In fact, the folks at Pushbullet have said the Android app "just got a lot better."

The Pushbullet app has gone to version 14.0.2 and that means a new design and new features. You'll now be able to view pushes sent to specific devices, and also pushes that were sent to specific friends. The sharing process has also been simplified and you will no longer be sent into the Pushbullet app to push when sharing from another app.

Some of the other highlights include improved Tasker event integration and an improved homescreen widget. Users will find the widget has a new look that took it's design queue from the updated Gmail widget. There was also mention of the app now looking "way better" on tablets.

With a new look and some new features it is hard to offer any form of complaint. And to make that a bit sweeter, Pushbullet remains available as a free app and service. Pushbullet can be found in the Google Play Store.

SOURCE: Pushbullet