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Facebook will now default new users’ first post to Friends

Facebook has announced some changes this morning. These will deal with how your posts are being shared and will affect both new and existing Facebook users. Essentially, users will be pushed toward sharing with "Friends" as opposed to "Public" moving forward.

Any new Facebook users will have their first post set to share with Friends by default. In the past that had been set to Public. Those signing up and making their first post will also be shown a reminder letting them know the post is going to Friends and giving them the option to have that post go Public.

The side that will likely affect more people is the change dealing with current Facebook users. The Facebook team is responding to feedback about how users are "sometimes worried about sharing something by accident, or sharing with the wrong audience." To that point, current Facebook users will begin seeing an updated Privacy Checkup tool sometime over the next few weeks.

The updated tool will take users through a step-by-step process showing details about how they are posting, to which apps they are using. This tool will also alert users about the privacy of "key pieces of information" on their profile. Otherwise, the folks at Facebook have also said "everything about how privacy works on Facebook remains the same" and this is more to "put power and control in people's hands."

SOURCE: Facebook