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Amber Gold HTC One (M8) gets a one-day 50 percent price drop

HTC is having a one-day sale on the Amber Gold One (M8). The discounted handset is available direct from HTC and those considering a purchase will be able to pick from three carrier branded models. Those three carriers include AT&T, Verizon Wireless and Sprint.

This deal is available for today (May 30, 2014) only and means a 50 percent drop in price. The handset is selling for $99. And to clarify -- that is $99 on a two-year agreement. Also included is the Google Drive storage offer which gives 65GB of Drive storage free for two-years.

Aside from the drop in price, and the Amber Gold color -- this is the same HTC One (M8) that you are likely already familiar with. Basically, that is to say the handset sports a 5-inch Full HD 1080p display and is powered by a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 processor with the Duo Camera setup. The One (M8) is running Kit Kat with HTC's Sense 6 user interface.

The HTC Advantage plan is also being offered here. The Advantage plan covers the first 6-months of device ownership. There are a handful of perks associated with the Advantage plan, however one that seems to stand out is the free (one-time) replacement for a cracked screen.

Those considering the HTC One (M8) and looking for more information should make sure to check our earlier coverage which included some hands-on time as well as some tips and tricks.