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OnePlus One teasing continues with an unboxing video

The OnePlus One will be announced later in the month. The company previously mentioned the launch date would be April 23rd. Along with confirmation on the launch date, some of the specs have been revealed. For example, we know the OnePlus One will have a Snapdragon 801 processor.

But on the flip side, there has also a fair amount of teasing. This latest Steve Kondik unboxing video simply continues the teasing. The video, titled "Unboxing the OnePlus One" has recently been shared on the YouTube page for OnePlus. We already mentioned the video serves as a teaser, but still, it is worth the view. Especially given it is only 39 seconds long.

Perhaps even before watching, the 39 second time should have been a solid clue this wasn't a proper unboxing video. And while this may only serve to upset and disappoint some -- at least the April 23rd launch date isn't that far out. A quick check of the calendar shows it being a little more than two weeks out from today.

Looking back to some of the earlier confirmations and we see the OnePlus One as having a 5.5-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 801 processor, 3100 mAh battery and 13MP rear-facing camera. There will also be some customizations by way of the StyleSwap back covers and Cyanogen. In this case CyanogenMod 11S.