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Moves activity tracking app acquired by Facebook

News of another Facebook acquisition has arrived. The latest to join Facebook is Moves, the fitness and activity tracking app. For those not as familiar, Moves launched for Android back in September 2013. The app originally came available for iOS users in January 2013 and touted 2.5 million downloads during the time it was exclusive on the iPhone.

Nothing has been revealed in terms of a price, but the folks at Moves have issued a statement saying how they are "delighted to announce" the acquisition. The Moves app will remain available in the respective app stores, however the future seems a bit uncertain.

There was mention of how "the Moves experience will continue to operate as a standalone app." But on the flip side, there was also mention about how the Moves team will be "joining Facebook’s talented team to work on building and improving their products and services." Seems the key word may be 'their.'

While the future of the Moves app remains to be seen -- there was a bit that is just as important today. That bit involves the data you've been giving to Moves. The Moves team said "there are no plans" to commingle the data with Facebook.