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LG expected to sell 60 million device in Q2 2014

LG, now the third largest OEM in the US according to some metrics, has been forecasted for big sales figures in Q2 2014. An analyst firm is noting LG should end up selling roughly 15 million devices over the next three months, which puts them just ahead of their current pace. Though flagship devices like the G2 are popular, they aren’t what will drive sales.

The bulk of LG’s shipments are said to be mid-range devices; those from their F and L lineup. The shrunken Gs mini should also do well, but LG’s sales bulk will come from their lower end offerings. Those devices should also do well in emerging markets, where price is a much larger concern than it is stateside.

The analysts at Mirae Asset Securities Company also suggest that LG will sell around 60 million devices by the end of the year. This would indicate that tehy see a continued upward trend in sales for LG, as 15 million devices for Q2 puts them at roughly 5 million per month. LG currently sells about 4.4 million devices monthly, so an additional uptick over the lsat half of 2014 would be necessary to reach that 60 million device benchmark.

Though increasing in popularity, LG still takes losses quarterly. They’ve decreased the loss margin, but it’s still there for the mobile division. We’re not sure how their Android Wear device will affect these numbers, or if the analyst firm even took them into consideration.

Via: ZDNet