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Google Glass Field Trip update adds “Explore Nearby” voice support

Field Trip first arrived for Google Glass users back in August 2013, however more recently an update has added some new functionality. Simply put, Glass users are now able to activate Field Trip by saying "Ok Glass, Explore Nearby." From that point there is also some options for personalization.

The app is also touting information from more than 200 content partners. But as we've seen in the past, that may vary a bit from location to location. Stepping back from the recent update for Glass. Field Trip as a whole allows you to explore what is around you, wherever you happen to be.

The app promises to offer details on everything from history and architecture to insider tips and other "hidden gems." Google Glass users can activate the Field Trip using My Glass. New users activating for the first time should be all set with the "Explore Nearby" voice command. It was suggested that current users turn Field Trip off, then back on to get going with voice.

This seems like a solid addition for the Google Glass app, and as a reminder, Field Trip is also available for Android. Those looking for Field Trip on Android will be able to find it using this Play Store link. Also worth mentioning, Field Trip is available for free, both on Glass and Android.

VIA: Mashable

SOURCE: Field Trip