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Cyanogen Inc. rebrands, now has ‘screw’ logo

What is Cyanogen? As the company grows, they’ve likely found themselves asking the same questions. After incorporating last year, making themselves Cyanogen Inc., many felt they would abandon the open source nature that got them where they were — but they never did. As they gain official hardware partners and diversify, the company has rebranded themselves anew, with slight tweaks to the color scheme in each iteration.

Three guiding principles still shape CyanogenMod: Customization, Security, Open Source. Saying their new logo and branding is meant to harken back to the “tightening of screws as you put together a project”, Cyanogen is keeping all three behaviors front and center.

And as for Cid? He’s still around, with Cyanogen noting he’ll be involved int he Open Source side of the equation. Like any good Open Source project, Cyanogen notes “Cid belongs to the community, he is yours, not the company’s”.

The rebranding effort is meant to guide the company into the future, and evoke feelings of strength and trust. Not only do they look really cool, they offer Cyanogen a way to branch out, diversify, and keep those efforts under one umbrella. It seems like that’s exactly what they’re doing as they look to build their mobile OS and brand from the ground up.

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Source: Cyanogen Inc.