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Amazon is third most popular streaming media provider

Amazon has announced that video streaming via Prime members has tripled over the past year. According to Qwilt, who Amazon cites for these metrics, that places them as the third place media streaming service, ahead of both Hulu and Apple.

Bill Carr, Vice President of Digital Video and Music for Amazon, said “We’ve invested hundreds of millions of dollars in great TV shows and movies for Prime members and it’s working”. He went on to note that Fire TV will only serve to strengthen the bond we have with Prime media streaming. Original content also contributes to the overall success, here.

Though ahead of Hulu and Apple, Amazon is still behind both YouTube and Netflix. Qwilt also doesn’t measure “views”, instead focussing on bandwidth. “If you click on a YouTube video watch it for two seconds, that's considered a view. It’s not really an accurate measurement for video” said Dan Sahar, co-founder and VP of Product Marketing at Qwilt. By monitoring the bandwidth usage, Qwilt feels they can more accurately discover usage statistics.

This time last year, Amazon was fifth behind the others mentioned here. Qwilt attributes their rapid climb almost solely to the buildout of Amazon Instant Video. With Fire TV adding a layer of delivery, we’re still hopeful to see Chromecast functionality soon to push Amazon over the top.

Source: Qwilt

Via: Amazon