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Remove the Five Second App Start Delay After Pressing Home


While reviewing Android’s code, you may find some small annoyances here and there. One of the most absurd is a delay that prevents you from starting activities after pressing the home button from anything other than the launcher app. This was perhaps useful when phones featured very little RAM, but now devices are powerful and Android is considerably better optimized.

Five seconds makes for a very long delay, which doesn’t really fit to a modern operating system. Lucky, there’s Xposed Framework and developers who make modules. Thanks to an Xposed module by XDA Forum Moderator GermainZ, you can get rid of the delay really easy.

Module installation is very easy, and requires you to activate the module in Xposed Installer and reboot. It should work flawlessly on Android 2.3 and greater. Hopefully, Google’s Android developers will notice that some things are better when they’re simple, and rectify this in an upcoming release like the rumored 4.4.3 mentioned last week.

You can find the module by vising the module thread or grabbing it directly from the Xposed Modules database.