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HTC Americas president talks leaks, market share, mid-tier, and more

HTC Americas president Jason Mackenzie recently appeared on CNBC and began with talk about how the HTC One was named the smartphone of the year for 2013. Of course, he quickly jumped in with a mention of how the best is about to get better come March 25th. Naturally, that was a reference to when HTC would be announcing the next-generation HTC One. The handset has been the subject of frequent leaks, and has been referred to by the codename of M8, as well as the One (2014) and "The All New HTC One."

The name references haven't quite reached the level the leaks have, especially in recent days. CNBC did address, or at least attempt to address those leaks, but Mackenzie gave nothing in return. Instead he mentioned how a leak is "never good" and then gave the official sounding line about how HTC doesn't comment on rumors and speculation. Interestingly though, there was some comments about leaks in general.

To that point, Mackenzie touched on how HTC is "fortunate to play in this arena" and that it is "humbling that customers are so excited." Again, Mackenzie went back to mention how the best is about to get better. Other topics here touched on market share, and about how it fell year-over-year. Mackenzie said they have to "deliver great products" and they have to "deliver innovative products that are ahead of their time."

There was mention about how "over 20% more people in the US are familiar with the HTC One franchise" and they have strong partner support in the US, and a strong plan to make the next flagship "extremely successfully with their customers." Mackenzie even mentioned how you cannot compare a Rolex to a Timex, and when asked about market share in regards that comparison, he replied with how HTC isn't focused on mass marketing, and instead wants to produce an innovative phone that attracts attention. This was concluded with how market share will then take care of itself.

Moving past the rumors of the HTC One (2014) and the current market share -- Mackenzie closed with what is becoming a familiar topic of HTC -- the refocus on the mid-tier market. This is something that was addressed during Mobile World Congress with the new Desire announcement, and here Mackenzie mentioned how they plan to bring the premium experience to other categories.

VIA: Twitter @HTCUSA