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Light Your Way with Xposed


Since fire was discovered, humans have used this bringer of light to defeat the darkness. Then in 1879, American scientist Thomas Edison invented a light bulb, which opened new possibilities for mankind. The flashlight was invented just a few years later, and we use the descendants of these devices today. This brief history lesson is to show that light is extremely important. And now in the twenty-first century, smartphones can be our modern flashlights.

Having easy access to a flashlight is always handy. XDA Recognized Developer wanam wrote a nice Xposed Framework module that allows you to turn on your smartphone’s flashlight by long pressing the volume up button. If you want to turn it off, simply press the home or power button (user selectable).

This module is small and has no icon in the app drawer in order to keep things as simple as possible. But since Torch by wanam comes in the form of an Xposed module, your device must be rooted and have the great Xposed Frameworks by XDA Recognized Developer rovo89 and XDA Recognized Contributor Tungstwenty installed.

Conquer your fear of the dark by making your way to the module thread and give this handy torch a try.