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Facebook Paper for Android? It’s going to take a while

We’ve noted previously that we’re kind of enamored with Facebook Paper. It’s a bold new look at Facebook, and takes all that you enjoy about the social media platform and tucks it into a sleek, neat package. In our quick overview, we also noted we wanted it for Android, and soon. Turns out, we’re just plain out of luck — for now.

Speaking to Pocket Lint, a Facebook spokesperson said it would be a while before Paper made it off the iPhone. When asked when the app would be seen elsewhere, the response was “we're a small team and are excited to see how people use this and what their feedback is” before moving onto other platforms. The team in question is Creative Labs, which is Facebook’s app skunkworks department.

On one hand, considering the fervor by which Paper was anticipated — and resulting favorable opinion of the app — it’s nice to see Facebook so pragmatic. They could have ported it over to Android, or just blown it up for iPad. Instead, they’re taking their time and making sure Paper is the best Facebook app it can be across platforms, starting with the iPhone. We’re likely to see updates to Paper for iPhone prior to any release elsewhere, and those could change the app drastically.

In being a fan of the app — and Android — I’d really just like to see it come straight over. In acting as nothing more than a News Feed app, it’s stellar. Facebook proper was/is getting stale, and Paper breathes new life. Unfortunately, we don’t even have a timetable for release outside of the iPhone in the US. We’d like to think it will hit Android sometime this summer, but there is no indication for or against that wishful thinking.