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Simplify Xposed Module Creation with LibXposed


In recent weeks, we’ve had the pleasure of sharing some great Xposed Framework modules. The reason for Xposed’s popularity is quite simple: Small modules are relatively easy to develop, and they allow Xposed users to modify almost every element on their devices without installing a custom ROM. It’s very useful when your device uses a stock or stock-based ROM, but even AOSP ROMs can be enhanced here and there.

Development for Xposed seems to be quite popular at XDA, but it can be even more popular thanks to XDA Recognized Contributor m11kkaa, who created a library to ease the process of creating your own modules. With the current version of this library, you will be able to use a settings app to configure your injections, notify about changes instantly, and add or remove entries in the Settings application. This saves a lot of time, because you don’t have to add these features yourself. The list of features will undoubtedly grow, as this is just the initial release. Furthermore, the project is open source so everyone can contribute by adding code.

If you are developing Xposed modules or plan to do so, you should definitely visit the library thread to learn more.