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Omni Notes: The Open Source Note App


Although there are already a plethora of note taking apps available on the Google Play Store, and with many of them doing a great job of simply taking down notes, it also has to be said that there are now very few factors to differentiate between them. It seems like the bigger names out there such as Evernote and Google Keep, are packing in every feature and function that one can think of, except for one thing: open source code.

Fear not, however, as XDA Senior Member arnesottolo has developed a feature-packed note application that’s also open source, called Omni Notes. What feature or function you might’ve gotten used to in the more popular note applications, chances are you’ll also find them in Omni Notes (with very few exceptions for now). Presented with a nice and clean Holo look, you can add a variety of attachments to notes such as pictures, videos, and locations; activate reminders for events; share the note through supported share intents, lock, and unlock notes; and more.

Notes can be archived, searched with keywords, sorted by title, creation date or last modification date, and can be organized in batch. As of now, there is no synchronization and checklist support, but arnesottolo has made it clear that cloud sync and checklists are the very top priorities.

Although still in its beta phase, Omni Notes is a remarkably polished app that works very well. For the average user, it is a very fitting note app, and even avid note takers may find it a good replacement. If you would like to check Omni Notes out, head over to the application thread for more information.