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Bring Back Battery Statistics on KitKat with Xposed Module


Android 4.4 has been quite a hot topic for the last four weeks. Many of you already have it on your devices in the form of an official update or unofficial port. It brought a lot of improvements, but also made few previous features unavailable. One of these was the ability for non-system applications to access battery statistics.

Previously, external applications were able to access battery statistics to show how much our applications and games affected battery life. Luckily, XDA Forum Member gsamtan wrote an Xposed module to restore this ability in aftermarket battery monitors.

According to the author, this module uses the Xposed framework to provide an alternate implementation of the method, which doesn’t enforce that the calling application has the BATTERY_STATS permission. It sounds a bit tricky, but the installation process is very simple. Naturally, this requires both root access and for Xposed Framework to be installed. The module is safe and won’t do any harm to your device. And with it, you will be able to control your applications the old fashioned way.

If your favorite battery stats app stopped working after updating to KitKat, head over to the module thread and learn how to bring the functionality back.