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Samsung’s ChatON hits milestone of 100 million users

Samsung Electronics has just released a statement boasting of their achievement of reaching 100 million users for its ChatON messaging service. The question is whether those figures will be enough for the service to secure a top spot in an already saturated market.


According to Samsung, ChatON has enjoyed steady growth in countries such as India, China, and the US, although it is also probably experiencing tough competition from the top service providers in those regions. The company says that one of ChatON’s winning features is its internationalization, supporting 63 languages all over the world. It cites India as an example, where the service supports 10 regional dialects, with 13 more coming before the year ends.

It is not that the messaging service doesn’t have desirable features. ChatON features easy drag and drop of images and links, which is especially useful when using multi-window capable devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S 4 or the newly released Galaxy Note 3. And, probably unknown to many, the app isn’t limited to just Samsung devices, as ChatON is also available on any Android, iOS, Blackberry or Windows Phone device, and even on the PC. However, compared to other service providers, ChatON is still probably lagging behind a bit.

The instant messaging market is probably already bursting at the seams, with one more late player probably coming soon. So it remains to be seen if ChatON will catch on and become a top name that is both associated with Samsung but at the same time not perceived as limited to it.

SOURCE: Samsung